Tuesday, April 03, 2007


End the school sickness with going to PJC.. but to teach, very different from teaching Primary School. Back then i battled the noise created by the students, now i fight the silence of the golden mouth.. Had 2 lessons today, the first group of students was completely silent, and not paying attention, except for a few of them. When i asked questions, no one answered or I would say bothered to answer. No motivation to learn i think.. When i called a name from the register, another person came up to do instead of the person i called.. blah.. the lesson felt so long.. I only get to go through 4/5 questions. But for the second group, they came on time and well prepared, asked questions, motivated to learn and responsive. I finished going thru the paper and 9/16 of them handed in. They really make my day.

RTs there not really friendly.. Too bad for me lar, just joined so they already form groups le.. end up i work and hang around with my own teachers and department teachers, hopefully that make me more experienced as well haa..

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