Thursday, April 12, 2007


Life is Skill with Experience..

That's what i have learnt today, about practice making perfect.

New way to teach mulitplication timetable, my dear's way
1. Visual (examples with explanation)
2. Table (practising filling up of timestable)
3. Roots (If 1,2 fail, find the root of problem and treat it first)

ASSUME = Once you ASSUME, you've ASS / U / ME.

Experience = Expe + rience
Expe can stand for Expectations, Expertise and Extra-ordinary..
rience means a lot.
Therefore, having experience = something special.

The first thing in life we learn is learn to learn.
Problem is people nowadays are refusing to learn.
SO we need 3 things:
1. Learning
2. Delearning
3. Relearning
In order to continue to serve in the workforce with excellence.

Never stop learning.. As long as my dear is willing to teach.
Life skills are meant to be learnt for a lifetime.

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