Went for a party which ck and i stayed for about 15mins, finding that it's rather awkward and we should be spending the time eating or shopping instead. And so, we had desserts, his treat, ironically just his desserts so being always late, i would already had spent a day waiting for him! However we only managed to find the shop with his great sense of direction, i remember walking to the garbage collection point behind the coffee shop.. haa.. i am famous for getting lost anywhere.. Still wondering why Chinatown is a famous stop for tourists.. If you want something more 'chinese', why don't you go to China?

Bought a book.. Yep! The book i've been looking for, the diary of Aya.. To my surprise, her mum also released a diary which tells us about her thoughts about Aya's condition and how she felt when she fought the illness side by side with Aya. Should take me some time to read because it is written in old chinese, and they are written vertically down and not horizontal..

Movie and dinner after that, had an enjoyable time with my 'date'.. dotx.. Feeling a bit guilty cause i agreed to watch it with someone else one.. but nevertheless, i'm glad i've watched it. Enjoying chocolates now~

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