My duty @ Woodgrove Primary has ended.. Some part of me tells me to go and leave at a small achievement that i have, leaving at a high note.. But some part of me tells me to stay on and work there, since i have enjoyed myself each and every day when i was there. It was really a wonderful experience with 3E.. i cant bear to part.. So do some of my students.. especially when i was told that daryl cried when he told his mother that i was leaving.. din noe that i wud make such an impact on these kids.. Facts are still facts.. I have to leave either the class or the school. So i have decided to leave the school.
Meet the Parents session
It was both winnie and my first time addressing parents in the school.. Especially me who is not a trained but relief teacher. So she has prepared some slides and will talk regarding their CA1 performances and also what we have been doing for the past 3 months with the children. When English had been covered by Winnie, she passed the talking to me for math, so i gladly took over and was getting a bit of scared when talking to adults, as in people who are more senior than me (hey they have kids already!) The feeling is worse than an interview. So i started with math and going thru the points in the slides frantically. Meanwhile, a parent who was leaving asked Winnie for a few minutes.. So i was left alone with the class of parents.. So when i was done with math, i was like 'Oh shit', wad am i supposed to Do? =X The 'clever' me thinks that the best way was to continue to Science and basically talk cock throughout for that.. and thank god, she came back when i was at the last pointer in the Science slide and managed to elaborate from the that point back to the first point.. How ma lu it was..
After the terrible start, we went on to the QnA where parents can bombard and drown us with their questions.. I was rather pleased that some of them talked to me regarding my teachings.. They commented that i was quite good at teaching math and their children can even explain how the models are drawn clearly and how it helped to solve the question. The compliments really make me feel more motivated to mould young lives, realising that all that i have done, all the expectations, all the late nights, all the frustrations were all worthwhile. Apart from fun and fulfillment, there was friendship too. Arrgh.. love my job and students so much.. =]
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