On the last day of my torturous yet enjoyable [ that doesn't mean i enjoy to be tortured] trip, i get to visit the CBD area of Hong Kong and travelled to the famous Wax Museum via peak tram where i go up to the peak on the tram 45 degree to the horizontal. The view was great, can imagine if its at night, can see the whole Hong Kong light up from the top.

the tram in my favorite effect, sepia..

who's more cooL? AarOn or Me?


Bang Bang U're Dead!

Singing my Heart out.. bUt i don'T knOw theM.. Lala..

Jie LUn is watching me plaYing haa

Let mE see wHat is Underneath.. hee

Its a bird, its a plane, no!! its a FOG!

view from the Top
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