Today's Ravaniya and Dane, her beau's wedding day. Went to her wedding's ceremony cum dinner with Chin Keat, Azizah and Xing Le. We met at Causeway Point at 6pm, XIng Le is late for like 20 minutes, then after meeting up we decided to take a cab down to Singapore Khalsa Association. After another 25-30 minutes, we found ourselves in a super unfamiliar place in Singapore, at Balestier Rd. We were quite worried that we were at the wrong place because we thought it was be somewhere in Little India and more crowded than what we have saw. The taxi-driver let us alight at somewhere quite nice and grand and we gladly enter the building and go to the 4th floor. After spending 30mins walking up and down the place, we found ourselves at someone's 60th birthday and Mr Kanna's ROM, whom we thought is Ravaniya's husband name. After all these, we realise that we are in the 'Civil Service Centre' and the building that looks like a haunted house is actually the Singapore Khalsa Association~! Now we start to worry what has Ravaniya gotten herself into, marrying in such a place~.. =[

It was interesting to observe an indian wedding, hearing Azizah explain about the customs, like why they spray rose water on us as we enter, and why they need to do a prayer ceremony before the dinner. Everyone is dressed well, youngsters dress to kill, looking gorgegously stunning and stuffs.. But still, some guys still wear clothes like the 80s, thinking that they are very cool or what, while some ladies tried to dress and look prettier than the bride, shashaying and parading around like they know everyone there, maybe they really do.
Was kinda 'sad' because i cant feel the ambience of wedding ceremony, feeling that behind this wedding, there are things that behind the closed doors, and we are left puzzled why is it that they are married out of a sudden and is there true love or not. In the past, i would think that marriage is the way to show that you want to stay with your beloved one forever, giving your committment, giving the other half a name in the name of the law, and to tell the world that you are deeply in love. But behind it all, it might just be a deceit, a forced marriage, a rushed marriage, or they cant be even sure if this person they are spending the rest of their lives with is the one they desire or not. Shouldn't such things be thought out well before any actions?

Especially when they are having the wedding toast after the dinner, half the hall has left the place! Really wishing the couple well? I dunno..

Interesting photo.. hee
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