Was extremely touched on Fri, when i entered the office, I saw chocolates and nougats on the table, they were gifts from my colleague, namely Xue Ting, Mdm Goh and MRs Tong.. Especially the two teachers, who offered to treat me to lunch if 'I dont mind going out with 2 old ladies', They were so nice to me.~
Here's an email from Mrs Tong:
Hi, Shi Han,
Thanks for your email address & handphone no
Our students and we have been very fortunate to have your assistance as a relief teacher in Term 2. We will miss you in the coming term, but are glad you've got a teaching award and will be joining us in the teaching profession once you graduate. You're keen to learn and I am sure that by now. you would be better at ChemSketch than me.
Mdm Goh and I appreciate your home-made cookies, muffins and your help in making soft copies of the Electrochemistry and Thermochemistry tutorial answers and compiling some Organic Chem questions. We'll certainly inform Mr Tan Boon Piang of your offer of assistance to relief teach for a few days in July, should the need arise.
Tong Mui Noy (Mrs)
And my colleagues.. shld have tried to know them better when i was around haa.. They are such a great bunch to hang out with.. hee..

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