Thursday, May 31, 2007
First time win MJ until bad mood.. I know luck is on my side, i tested it out yesterday.. Tried to throw all the good tiles, thinking that if i try to make the tiles big every turn, i will not be able to game. But still, i gamed~ Until a point where i don't even dare to 'gang' kept all the tiles in my hands.. Reason being i won too much.. SHouldn't play there already. Had enough le.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Received another letter of appreciation from another teacher, Mdm Goh..
Hi Shi Han,
Thanks for going out of your way to send me the files. Really appreciates your help. Mrs Tong says you may be back the first 2 weeks of next term. The two of us would like to buy you lunch when we see you. Do take good care and you are a real gem - always obliging and thoughtful. WE'LL MISS YOU!
Best Regards,
Mdm Goh
Never thought i could be considered a real gem.. where my self esteem lol..?
Hi Shi Han,
Thanks for going out of your way to send me the files. Really appreciates your help. Mrs Tong says you may be back the first 2 weeks of next term. The two of us would like to buy you lunch when we see you. Do take good care and you are a real gem - always obliging and thoughtful. WE'LL MISS YOU!
Best Regards,
Mdm Goh
Never thought i could be considered a real gem.. where my self esteem lol..?
Din go to church today, i'm sick.. Heal me father..
At least a little better le.. dunno why yesterday the fever came back again.. never get sick for so long before.. at least there's someone by my side.. and the sight of MAC hotcakes brighten up my day a bit.. hee..
Never dreamt so much before..
1) On the night i was sick..
Felt that i was trapped on the bed, kept stretching and stretching and dunno wad is going on.. when i woke up, my whole body is aching.. in great misery.. so decided to see doctor..
2)Friday nite
Dreamt that i called my soon to be tutee, and was told that they dun need me le bcos they found a new one liao..
3) yesterday nite
Mum told me her timetable for the coming week, that she is going to cook on tue,thurs and sat.. how unbelieveable.. of course its a dream.. haa..
Being sick.. i lost weight.. just measured myself to be 60kg.. argghh.. now i just want an ice cream~
At least a little better le.. dunno why yesterday the fever came back again.. never get sick for so long before.. at least there's someone by my side.. and the sight of MAC hotcakes brighten up my day a bit.. hee..
Never dreamt so much before..
1) On the night i was sick..
Felt that i was trapped on the bed, kept stretching and stretching and dunno wad is going on.. when i woke up, my whole body is aching.. in great misery.. so decided to see doctor..
2)Friday nite
Dreamt that i called my soon to be tutee, and was told that they dun need me le bcos they found a new one liao..
3) yesterday nite
Mum told me her timetable for the coming week, that she is going to cook on tue,thurs and sat.. how unbelieveable.. of course its a dream.. haa..
Being sick.. i lost weight.. just measured myself to be 60kg.. argghh.. now i just want an ice cream~
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Sick or Sickening
After watching movie and having a good meal, i fell sick when i reached home. Out of a sudden, i'm down with a fever. Dear says that its virus infection. Was feeling breathlessness yesterday morning and today morning, very sick feeling when you cant breathe well. Yesterday, dear took care of me for quite some time, when i was sleeping. Someone's there to change the wet towel on my forehead, to feed me medicine, water and food. Feel so much love and concern that this is already enough to last me a lifetime. When you are at your weakest, there's someone who is willing to take good care of you, no matter what, forming your last safety net and to catch you when you fall..
Love You dear dear..
Love You dear dear..
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Bye Bye

Was extremely touched on Fri, when i entered the office, I saw chocolates and nougats on the table, they were gifts from my colleague, namely Xue Ting, Mdm Goh and MRs Tong.. Especially the two teachers, who offered to treat me to lunch if 'I dont mind going out with 2 old ladies', They were so nice to me.~
Here's an email from Mrs Tong:
Hi, Shi Han,
Thanks for your email address & handphone no
Our students and we have been very fortunate to have your assistance as a relief teacher in Term 2. We will miss you in the coming term, but are glad you've got a teaching award and will be joining us in the teaching profession once you graduate. You're keen to learn and I am sure that by now. you would be better at ChemSketch than me.
Mdm Goh and I appreciate your home-made cookies, muffins and your help in making soft copies of the Electrochemistry and Thermochemistry tutorial answers and compiling some Organic Chem questions. We'll certainly inform Mr Tan Boon Piang of your offer of assistance to relief teach for a few days in July, should the need arise.
Tong Mui Noy (Mrs)
And my colleagues.. shld have tried to know them better when i was around haa.. They are such a great bunch to hang out with.. hee..

After reading Xiaxue's blog about cab snatching and the extreme things she did to nab them.. I guess its my turn to voice about cab snatching and the wonders and arts of that, 101 to flagging cabs and leave without a trace, and many angry faces~ All these that are going to be mentioned happened within 45min, all in one night.
A couple was flagging for a taxi, the kind me, Azizah and Xingle decided to go behind him, hopefully after he gets a cab, it would be our turn.. However, we were shocked when he was actually standing in one of the only two lanes stopping taxis, the smart drivers turn left into a small road so as to avoid taking this guy who is suspected to be drunk and mentally unstable.
A brilliant guy ran across the road and got himself a cab almost immediately.. the devastated us were too lousy to get to the other side, heavy and fast traffic! While watching this happening, a group of 3 stood in front of us, like just 3m only, and tried to get a cab. Cant be bothered to wait further, we decided to go to the small road, hoping that the crazy man will help us get a cab there..
While walking to the small road, we walked past the group of 3..
ME to Azizah: AIyo, waited for an hour oso cannot get a cab.. might as well dont wait le lar!!
I'm dying to let them hear me!
Meanwhile, the crazy man disappeared and we saw an ambulance driving past us..
XL: Is the crazy guy inside?
ME: i tink so.. look, he is gone!
Azizah: Can he give us a ride?
We went into the small road and decided to call a cab, only XL has the number to dial, but she was yakking away with her fren on the fone, leaving Azizah and me watching funny things happen.. 2 Ladies walked in front of us to get a cab...
ME to Azizah: If they get onto a cab, I gonna confront them and asked what has education done to them and where are their ethics..
Azizah: WAh..
Then, they walked further away from us le.. Then a family of 5 shashayed.. YES.. they shashayed out of Singapore Khalsa Association and went to the spot where the ladies were.. Once they stopped, an empty cab turned in and stopped in front of them.. WAH.. If Azizah, XIng LE and me are made of glass, we definitely shatter straight away!..
Azizah: Why never confront them?
ME: got kids lar.. nevermind.. haa..
Finally the cab came, before that the 2 ladies walked past us (good that they are still there..) and i heard one of them laughing.. I immediately mumbled, hoping her teeth will drop.. a bit evil lar.. heh heh..
Felt a bit superior when we were on the cab, looking at the crowds waving for cabs..
XIngle : Feel so happy, hope they don;t get cabs..
Azizah and ME: -_-|||
A couple was flagging for a taxi, the kind me, Azizah and Xingle decided to go behind him, hopefully after he gets a cab, it would be our turn.. However, we were shocked when he was actually standing in one of the only two lanes stopping taxis, the smart drivers turn left into a small road so as to avoid taking this guy who is suspected to be drunk and mentally unstable.
A brilliant guy ran across the road and got himself a cab almost immediately.. the devastated us were too lousy to get to the other side, heavy and fast traffic! While watching this happening, a group of 3 stood in front of us, like just 3m only, and tried to get a cab. Cant be bothered to wait further, we decided to go to the small road, hoping that the crazy man will help us get a cab there..
While walking to the small road, we walked past the group of 3..
ME to Azizah: AIyo, waited for an hour oso cannot get a cab.. might as well dont wait le lar!!
I'm dying to let them hear me!
Meanwhile, the crazy man disappeared and we saw an ambulance driving past us..
XL: Is the crazy guy inside?
ME: i tink so.. look, he is gone!
Azizah: Can he give us a ride?
We went into the small road and decided to call a cab, only XL has the number to dial, but she was yakking away with her fren on the fone, leaving Azizah and me watching funny things happen.. 2 Ladies walked in front of us to get a cab...
ME to Azizah: If they get onto a cab, I gonna confront them and asked what has education done to them and where are their ethics..
Azizah: WAh..
Then, they walked further away from us le.. Then a family of 5 shashayed.. YES.. they shashayed out of Singapore Khalsa Association and went to the spot where the ladies were.. Once they stopped, an empty cab turned in and stopped in front of them.. WAH.. If Azizah, XIng LE and me are made of glass, we definitely shatter straight away!..
Azizah: Why never confront them?
ME: got kids lar.. nevermind.. haa..
Finally the cab came, before that the 2 ladies walked past us (good that they are still there..) and i heard one of them laughing.. I immediately mumbled, hoping her teeth will drop.. a bit evil lar.. heh heh..
Felt a bit superior when we were on the cab, looking at the crowds waving for cabs..
XIngle : Feel so happy, hope they don;t get cabs..
Azizah and ME: -_-|||
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Happily Wedded

Today's Ravaniya and Dane, her beau's wedding day. Went to her wedding's ceremony cum dinner with Chin Keat, Azizah and Xing Le. We met at Causeway Point at 6pm, XIng Le is late for like 20 minutes, then after meeting up we decided to take a cab down to Singapore Khalsa Association. After another 25-30 minutes, we found ourselves in a super unfamiliar place in Singapore, at Balestier Rd. We were quite worried that we were at the wrong place because we thought it was be somewhere in Little India and more crowded than what we have saw. The taxi-driver let us alight at somewhere quite nice and grand and we gladly enter the building and go to the 4th floor. After spending 30mins walking up and down the place, we found ourselves at someone's 60th birthday and Mr Kanna's ROM, whom we thought is Ravaniya's husband name. After all these, we realise that we are in the 'Civil Service Centre' and the building that looks like a haunted house is actually the Singapore Khalsa Association~! Now we start to worry what has Ravaniya gotten herself into, marrying in such a place~.. =[

It was interesting to observe an indian wedding, hearing Azizah explain about the customs, like why they spray rose water on us as we enter, and why they need to do a prayer ceremony before the dinner. Everyone is dressed well, youngsters dress to kill, looking gorgegously stunning and stuffs.. But still, some guys still wear clothes like the 80s, thinking that they are very cool or what, while some ladies tried to dress and look prettier than the bride, shashaying and parading around like they know everyone there, maybe they really do.
Was kinda 'sad' because i cant feel the ambience of wedding ceremony, feeling that behind this wedding, there are things that behind the closed doors, and we are left puzzled why is it that they are married out of a sudden and is there true love or not. In the past, i would think that marriage is the way to show that you want to stay with your beloved one forever, giving your committment, giving the other half a name in the name of the law, and to tell the world that you are deeply in love. But behind it all, it might just be a deceit, a forced marriage, a rushed marriage, or they cant be even sure if this person they are spending the rest of their lives with is the one they desire or not. Shouldn't such things be thought out well before any actions?

Especially when they are having the wedding toast after the dinner, half the hall has left the place! Really wishing the couple well? I dunno..

Interesting photo.. hee
Thursday, May 17, 2007
CooKie tIme~!!! Yesterday, Xue Ting, Soo Pei and Yi Xing came over to my place to bake some chocolate chip cookies for the fellow colleagues in school. We had much fun joking about how each other make the dough adn the funny shapes we make. Especially Xue Ting and Soo Pei who made a flower and a person and both turns out to look like turtles.. Yet, they are so proud of the shapes and brought them home. Its the first time I asked colleagues over to my house to bake, especially when I just know them only for few days ( thats Soo Pei and Yi Xing)

Here we are, the few of us each happy with the 'harvest'

Here we are, the few of us each happy with the 'harvest'
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
<<:Report Card:>>
Weimin from WGPS has improved from 70+ to 82 for his maths SA1. Happy for his good results, and he promised he will work harder next exam. Yuva has gotten his results too. He has improved from 42 to 55 for his maths SA1 and 62 to 68 for his science SA1.
Received 2 cards from 06S08 students because this week is my last week in PJC. To think time passes so quickly, even before i realised, its about time to leave. The cards just took away my tireness from work away. They also gave me a baked potato from the school cafe. Delicious, especially when its from students who appreciate and recognise your efforts in teaching.
Weimin from WGPS has improved from 70+ to 82 for his maths SA1. Happy for his good results, and he promised he will work harder next exam. Yuva has gotten his results too. He has improved from 42 to 55 for his maths SA1 and 62 to 68 for his science SA1.
Received 2 cards from 06S08 students because this week is my last week in PJC. To think time passes so quickly, even before i realised, its about time to leave. The cards just took away my tireness from work away. They also gave me a baked potato from the school cafe. Delicious, especially when its from students who appreciate and recognise your efforts in teaching.

Now is the time

Now is the time, going to leave school this week.. Haix.. things haven't been going smoothly on Monday.. Firstly i was late for work. Secondly, I realise that the shirt and the pants lost a button each and I have to change out of them.. Then no students turned up for lesson.. And i fell a bit sick.. and someone called and irritated me.. Thank God that dear dear is the best thing that happened to me that day. Took care of me, tempted me by eating chocolate and drinking bubble tea, bought me dinner, giving me TLC.. hee.. more blessed. Some more received a box of Royce chocolate.. So sweet.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I'm blessed. I truly believe in that. Was @ Carol's on Friday after much intoxication with chocolate. At first 2 rounds, i lost $50. But with just 1 more round which lasted 3 hours, I won $190. Cant believe my good luck at all. And i'm sure that my name goes up to the blacklist now. =P
Had a simple lunch with CK, i was late for about a hour, so i guess it would be right to treat ba, it was affordable also lar. i had a grilled salmon while he had a chicken baked rice, packed with a layer of his favorite~ lol. Then after that i went off to granny's for steamboat + BBQ for celebration of Mothers' Day. Its extremely filling lor..
While shopping for a cake, i saw a surprise and i bought it. Looks like its worth the money and thought. Ignorance is not bliss. Happiness is. hee
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
A sense of relief.. that Yuva is getting less zombified and more conscientious regarding his work and is already able to do a complete paper within targetted timing. Cant wait to see his SA1 results this time round, should be better than CA1 ba.. Felt so touched and glad that he's much better now, that he can finally channel his focus and concentration to work and not wandering around in his own world. But at the same time, i told his mum that i'll be stopping his tuition at the end of June, since i don't know how busy i would be in the future. So had to make this decision.. Few weeks ago i was still furious with his mum for being not concerned with her son. Cause i have seen cane marks on him from his dad, and they don't spend enough time with him and send him to stay with his aunt every night, he is so pitiful i would say.. But now i feel happy for him, that i realise his mother do care about him, all parents love their children hee.. His mum has been bringing him to the doctor, been going for consultations, learning how to deal with ADHD, getting feedbacks from the teachers and me, trying to remedy his problem. So now Yuva is on medication that is helping him tremendously, hopefully he don't have to depend on it too much.. At least now i can ease my mind over this matter that he would be fine.. considering i have been worrying that he needs extra attention and is not having it.. well now, things are good =P
Monday, May 07, 2007
Finally i find the time and strength to blog something. Aiya.. actually most of the things are recorded in dear dear's blog liao.. so don't really need to add on or what.. hee..
Had dinner with deardear and kor at LEMon GRaSS.. First time eating, doesnt really impress me lar.. quite normal.. Received a box of chocolate from Mezza9 from kor as jian mian li, hee.. haven start eating yet.. Then watched spiderman 3 lor, it was a great show but not as action packed as i have expected it to be. Would think that Harry ( the new golbin) stands out in the show.
Spent Saturday playing mahjong and also a medical checkup.. Won a bit again, increasing total winnings to $195.. well, wonders if i should continue counting on haa.. Had a appetizing lunch (not at all when compared to deardear) @ delifrance with deardear, much better than LemOn GraSS, more worth it also.. hee.. Yum YUm.. =P
I went to New Creation with deardear this time round, hoping to experience God in a different environment and to see if i can adapt to a change of venue. It turned out to be fine with me actually. At first was a bit bothered because i cant feel the presence of God as i entered, but when i went into the auditorium, i was touched by the love of God, maybe it has been a long time since i sing a love song wholeheartedly to God, thats why i could feel that strong presence of God's love.. He's still there, he hasn't left me, but i did =X
Then we had lunch and dessert nearby.. highlight was definitely the ben & jerry's ice cream.. my favorite flavor CHUNKY MONKEY~!!
While travelling home from the medical checkup, actually took some photos, giving a glimpse of where i'm going this Friday.. YAY.. While walking from Raffles Place to City Hall, was looking that the things around me.. It was a great feeling, that suddenly i felt that Singapore is a nice place to be in and i'm proud of that. Was looking at tourists taking photos near Fullerton and Singapore River. Love the view there, so nice.. Wishing that time wud stop at that time.. hee..

Had dinner with deardear and kor at LEMon GRaSS.. First time eating, doesnt really impress me lar.. quite normal.. Received a box of chocolate from Mezza9 from kor as jian mian li, hee.. haven start eating yet.. Then watched spiderman 3 lor, it was a great show but not as action packed as i have expected it to be. Would think that Harry ( the new golbin) stands out in the show.
Spent Saturday playing mahjong and also a medical checkup.. Won a bit again, increasing total winnings to $195.. well, wonders if i should continue counting on haa.. Had a appetizing lunch (not at all when compared to deardear) @ delifrance with deardear, much better than LemOn GraSS, more worth it also.. hee.. Yum YUm.. =P
I went to New Creation with deardear this time round, hoping to experience God in a different environment and to see if i can adapt to a change of venue. It turned out to be fine with me actually. At first was a bit bothered because i cant feel the presence of God as i entered, but when i went into the auditorium, i was touched by the love of God, maybe it has been a long time since i sing a love song wholeheartedly to God, thats why i could feel that strong presence of God's love.. He's still there, he hasn't left me, but i did =X
Then we had lunch and dessert nearby.. highlight was definitely the ben & jerry's ice cream.. my favorite flavor CHUNKY MONKEY~!!
While travelling home from the medical checkup, actually took some photos, giving a glimpse of where i'm going this Friday.. YAY.. While walking from Raffles Place to City Hall, was looking that the things around me.. It was a great feeling, that suddenly i felt that Singapore is a nice place to be in and i'm proud of that. Was looking at tourists taking photos near Fullerton and Singapore River. Love the view there, so nice.. Wishing that time wud stop at that time.. hee..

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Sick since 12am haa.. sneezing all over the table and getting blesses from Carol.. haa.. stuffing tissues into my nose and trying to concentrate on my Mahjong game.. Won like $55 i think.. Up till now a total of $135.. Haa.. thank God.. Watching some ad on SCV, wondering if i shld get a Sony laptop if MOE is giving me enough allowance..
Well taken care of with a bowl of delicious and hot noodles, havent eaten it for ages.. Yum Yum..

Need to be a good boy for this period of time, been out and away till late recently.. =P
Well taken care of with a bowl of delicious and hot noodles, havent eaten it for ages.. Yum Yum..

Need to be a good boy for this period of time, been out and away till late recently.. =P
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