This couldn't be more obvious.. I'm tired.. running out of breath.. blogging in the middle of the night.. haha.. turning a bit cranky and screw loosed nowadays.. at least not being loose and leading a promiscous life.. Time that i wished i have more time..

I read the book 'King Me' which is a parenting book which i accidentally [ i believe incidentally by God.. He set me up] chanced upon in the library.. It questioned my faith and for the first time, giving me doubts about the beliefs of my own church.. The book strengthened me spiritually and i gained much knowledge from it, whether does it applies to daily life, the struggle to maintain a good relationship with my parents but also biblical studies that teaches lessons that could be learnt from few Kings, namely King David and King Solomon.. What stunted me was one of the chapter speaking right into my heart, something that had been bothering me for so long, is about to be released from me, that i may become a much better person. Thank God!
Found it very much comfortable talking to Wei yuan about leading the Christian Lifestyle, how he managed to walk in faith although there are road blocks and tripping stones around in his path..
One last thing: people that you think you are close to might not be the ones who would stand by you in time of needs. But God does! [ but that's another story]. What i mean is where are the people when you need help? Why is it that people come and share your glory and fruits of labour when you clearly know that they din put in as much as you do.. or not even placing a finger on it? Can it be justified? Teach me.. should i continue complaining? Definitely not, and surely, i would not give face or keep silence if that happens again.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
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