Friday, January 05, 2007

Good morning Mr Ng~

Had a powerpacked day ytd and its only the first day! kinda shocking because i only knew what to teach and a lot of other stuff on the day i report.. the class is huge~ 58 students arent easy to handle especially when they lose concentration easily.. There are some that distract the others.. Some interesting conversations i had with them...

Pupil 1 : Mr Ng, he say that i purposely throw his pencil box on the floor!
Pupil 2: No i didnt [ about to cry]
Pupil 1: That who says he saide that i purposely throw one..
Pupil 2: No Mr Ng [ Tears coming out..]
Me: Whether right or wrong, both of you are in the same class and should make friends with one another.. So both of you, i want you to shake hands and say sorry. Do not point fingers at one another. [ I thought i sound stupid]

Pupil 3: Teacher i brought money, can i buy my book later during recess? [ kids are still kids]

And after this tiring day in school, i had to teach tuition at 8pm.. A bright but playful boy who is very active.. He kept running in and out of his room and talking a lot of funny senseless stuff with me.. Dunno how much i can help him but i find it enjoyable teaching him.

Me.. A teacher? I'll see about that..

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