Sunday, August 06, 2006

Talk around

I never like talking to people.. and talking for the sake of talking, although at times we need to communicate with people to know them more and also to prevent situations from getting more awkward. It is especially essential to know the ways of relating to people and able to express oneself truthfully and positively to others, leaving not just a good impression, but a friendship that follows thru.

We often think that we are just small little beings, one less one more doesn't matter. But God already knows how we look like, how many strands of hair we have, what we would encounter.. way before we are born, even the most minute detail. God has great plans for us. That we should dream dreams and see vision, and fulfill our purpose in life thru Jesus Christ that strengthens us.. I totally agree with CK that although God has plans for us, we are still the one walking the pave that is paved out. One thing to be glad is that God is always walking with us, whether if its the mountain tops or the deep valleys. He would be there to share your joy and sorrows, and comfort one whenever he or she is in need.

Therefore, we need to trust and have faith in God, people around us, ourselves and the future.

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